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Aesthetic Dentistry covers a process in which general dentistry and some basic procedures are applied together in order to provide a healthy and beautiful smile. Dental Aesthetics treatment services include porcelain laminates, metal-free porcelain veneers or bridges, teeth whitening methods, onlay fillings, zirconium bridges or porcelain on implants.


Orthodontics; It is the specialty of the dentistry branch that diagnoses and controls the compatibility relations of mismatched and crooked teeth, tries to prevent this situation and treats it.


Root canal treatment is the general name of the methods used to treat a dead, dying or inflamed dental pulp (popularly known as 'nerve'). Its main purpose is to restore the problem area to its former form and make it functional again


Considered as the area formed by the teeth (white aesthetics) and the area formed by the gums (pink aesthetic) and considered as a whole, such as lip level, length of teeth, gingival level, tooth color, tooth alignment, visibility of lips and teeth when we smile, and laughing line factors are designed individually and in harmony with each other.

Mistakes We Know About Dental Care!

Brushing the teeth hard; Instead of cleaning the teeth, it causes abrasions that we call ‘brush caries’. As the enamel layer of the teeth is eroded, the underlying yellow layer is exposed and the teeth appear more yellow. In addition, hard brushing causes tooth sensitivity and gum recession.

Brushing well; It’s not about the hardness of the brush, it’s about the brushing technique. Generally, medium hard toothbrushes are used. Brushes that are too hard can wear down the teeth. Brushes that are too soft may not clean the teeth.

The toothbrush should not be wet before brushing. Because; When the bristles are wet, they lose their hardness. There is also enough liquid in the mouth for the paste to foam.

Caries susceptibility may differ between individuals. However, in the case of correcting bad eating habits, giving importance to oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, the predisposition to caries does not matter.

Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day, after breakfast and before going to bed. After brushing the teeth, the upper part of the tongue should also be brushed softly.

Scratching of the enamel layer of the teeth; It’s not about using the paste too much, it’s about the large granules of the paste used. Therefore, long-term use of pastes with large granules should be avoided. The amount of paste put on the brush should be in the size of a ‘lentil grain.

The color of the tooth does not determine the strength of the tooth.



He is a wonderful doctor who does his job well. He treated all my family and relatives himself. We are very satisfied. Thanks


You are super

I am very happy to finally find a dentist who does his job correctly and beautifully. I congratulate Ms. Merve, who does the job not as a job but as an art. Good luck to you 🙂

Dr Fidan Yıldız

The best…

The best dentist in Izmir.


Vural Özgül